Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cartoon- Persian Gulf!

This cartoon is talking about the Persian Gulf War and how the United States we were allies with Iraq but we invaded them after the Cold War [because we didn't want Saddam Hussein to take over]. The chair in the picture is showing where Saddam Hussein sat while the Persian Gulf War was going on. The planes are the Unite States air invasion at the beginning of the war. Also the US were very confident in themselves thinking that'd they'd be able to take Saddam Husein.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


What are the effects of these two sets of policies on each other?!  -Cold War & Oil-
The Cold War's policy was the Truman Doctrine, "the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.” (President Truman). The United States had a policy on oil, which was The United States policymakers encourage the U.S. oil companies to begin looking over sea's for new oil reserves. These two policies effect each other because the Truman Doctrine was basically  saying that Truman supports free people who have been taken over by foreign minorities.
So, therefore, if the U.S. is oversea's helping freed people, the US could look into oil reserves.

What are the effects of these two sets of policies on each other?! -Oil Policy & Ara-Israeli Conflict-
The Oil Policy was United States policymakers encourage the U.S. oil companies to begin looking over sea's for new oil reserves, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict policy is also the Truman Doctrine and giving money to Israel to help them. Both the Cold War and the Arab-Israeli Conflict have similar policies. The Unites States and Russia were super powers, and the Unite States were against Russia, so the US wanted to get allies and so they thought of Israel as an option to befriend. They supplied Israel with aid and money. Once again if the U.S. is oversea's helping freed people, the US could look into oil reserves.

What are the effects of these two sets of policies on each other?! -Arab-Israeli Conflict & Cold War-
Both the Cold War and the Arab-Israeli policies support the Truman Doctrine. The oil embargo [stop selling oil to the US] was set because the United States was helping Israel out and Faisal Ibn Saud wanted the United States to help the Arabs.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Arab Israeli conflict

1. Find something thought-provoking
2. post the link to your blog
3. explain/summarize whatever it is
4.explain how its connected to our learning in class
5. why is this meaningful? does it make you sad, hopeful, angry, etc.?

This cartoon is an Israeli tank going down a cliff into a ditch with a sign reading "Welcome to Gaza". Gaza is located on the coast of Israel and Israel took control of Gaza during 1967-1994. In 1994 Israel built a Gaza strip barrier to protect and strengthen the security of Israel. A little later on it was torn down by Palestinians. This shows that Arab Israeli's and Palestinians had a lot of tension between them which caused the Palestinians to act on it, resulting in them tearing down the barrier and later taking control of the Gaza strip themselves. So basically the picture is showing the Israeli going down a ditch, so Israel took the wrong path to go down and from them entering and taking on control of Gaza brought on a lot of problems to them. This all ties in with what we are learning because in class we are learning about the middle east and how the arab israeli will do anything to fight. Also we are talking/learning about how these two have problems with each other and dont really accept each other. This isnt good in any case at all, it makes me upset because it shows that just because two parties done accept each other or agree with one another they will do anything to fight involiving innocent men, women, and children.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Congressman Lincolns Spot Resolution

Polk suggested some resolutions on/about the Mexican War. Congressman Lincoln presented some suggestions to President Polk, and Lincoln thought it would be a good idea for Polk to supply the Congress with information about if  blood was shed on our soil, and if it was within Spains territory or not [the spot]. From there, they would decide if war would be declared or not. Afterwards, Polk ordered General Taylor to bring troops to the Rio Grande, which was conflicted territory between Mexico and Texas. Lincoln continued to push his resolution which gave the President a fight for political power between the Democrats and the Whigs.

All of this is similar to "The Plan" that President Johnson had. Johnson's plan was to help S. Vietnam to defeat the North because they were communist and they didn't want communism to spread [Domino Theory]. With this, Senator Goldwater suggested to send a massive amount of troops to the North. Goldwater also wanted bipartisan support from Congress because he felt as if it would him in the election. Goldwater thought that doing so would increase his credibility and give him flexibility. As for President Johnson he thought to line up the Democrats and Republicans in Congress, which he believed would lessen Goldwater's criticism.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Span-American War Essay

Thesis: The U.S. made bad decisions in the era of imperialism despite their good intentions.

Body Paragraph:
In the era of imperialism the United States made one huge decision, going into war with Spain. but only with good intentions. The Unites States was founded on freedom, opportunity, and democracy and going through with war didn't necessarily betray those values. They went in hoping to spread their good values amongst the Philippines and to protect the American people. Going into war with Spain wasn't essentially to go against their values and beliefs, the United States had good purposes for what they did. But regardless to the inevitable results     to the bad decisions that were made, the United States only wanted best for their country and wanted to make their nation and government stronger.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Back when Roosevelt was President he believed in patriotism by saying, "It matters little about me but it matters about the cause we fight for." [Section 5] By this Roosevelt is saying how he isn't what everyone should care about, its their country that everyone should be concerned and care for. As for Obama he has similar views as Roosevelt, as for patriotism. Obama seems to care for his country as well, and he believes that a main focus should be the U.S. and its values. "Obama has a keen understanding and deep appreciation of our nation’s core values and guiding principles. Obama will be a fierce defender of the fundamental American values of freedom and equality under law.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What we think of "others" ?!

What we think of others:

In the article above, The U.S. is making a compromise with Iraq and the United States don't trust them very much so they're trying to get them to do things for them. We're trying to compromise: we'll let you pick your own prime minister but we get to tell you what to do.

What others think of us:

The Pakistani military leader, Bahadur, said that there was a group attacking their government. He is assuming the U.S. was the one who attacked them.