Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Span-American War Essay

Thesis: The U.S. made bad decisions in the era of imperialism despite their good intentions.

Body Paragraph:
In the era of imperialism the United States made one huge decision, going into war with Spain. but only with good intentions. The Unites States was founded on freedom, opportunity, and democracy and going through with war didn't necessarily betray those values. They went in hoping to spread their good values amongst the Philippines and to protect the American people. Going into war with Spain wasn't essentially to go against their values and beliefs, the United States had good purposes for what they did. But regardless to the inevitable results     to the bad decisions that were made, the United States only wanted best for their country and wanted to make their nation and government stronger.


  1. girl, youre really talented. this is really amazing, just like you <3
