Sunday, November 21, 2010

Arab Israeli conflict

1. Find something thought-provoking
2. post the link to your blog
3. explain/summarize whatever it is
4.explain how its connected to our learning in class
5. why is this meaningful? does it make you sad, hopeful, angry, etc.?

This cartoon is an Israeli tank going down a cliff into a ditch with a sign reading "Welcome to Gaza". Gaza is located on the coast of Israel and Israel took control of Gaza during 1967-1994. In 1994 Israel built a Gaza strip barrier to protect and strengthen the security of Israel. A little later on it was torn down by Palestinians. This shows that Arab Israeli's and Palestinians had a lot of tension between them which caused the Palestinians to act on it, resulting in them tearing down the barrier and later taking control of the Gaza strip themselves. So basically the picture is showing the Israeli going down a ditch, so Israel took the wrong path to go down and from them entering and taking on control of Gaza brought on a lot of problems to them. This all ties in with what we are learning because in class we are learning about the middle east and how the arab israeli will do anything to fight. Also we are talking/learning about how these two have problems with each other and dont really accept each other. This isnt good in any case at all, it makes me upset because it shows that just because two parties done accept each other or agree with one another they will do anything to fight involiving innocent men, women, and children.

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