Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Congressman Lincolns Spot Resolution

Polk suggested some resolutions on/about the Mexican War. Congressman Lincoln presented some suggestions to President Polk, and Lincoln thought it would be a good idea for Polk to supply the Congress with information about if  blood was shed on our soil, and if it was within Spains territory or not [the spot]. From there, they would decide if war would be declared or not. Afterwards, Polk ordered General Taylor to bring troops to the Rio Grande, which was conflicted territory between Mexico and Texas. Lincoln continued to push his resolution which gave the President a fight for political power between the Democrats and the Whigs.

All of this is similar to "The Plan" that President Johnson had. Johnson's plan was to help S. Vietnam to defeat the North because they were communist and they didn't want communism to spread [Domino Theory]. With this, Senator Goldwater suggested to send a massive amount of troops to the North. Goldwater also wanted bipartisan support from Congress because he felt as if it would him in the election. Goldwater thought that doing so would increase his credibility and give him flexibility. As for President Johnson he thought to line up the Democrats and Republicans in Congress, which he believed would lessen Goldwater's criticism.